Психологическая энциклопедия


Психологическая энциклопедия

Флюгель. Литература.

книга   Further observations on the variations of the intensity of visual sensation with the duration of the stimulus, ”British J. O. Psychol.“, 1909, 3, p. 178–207 (совм. с McDougall W.);
   Polyphallic Symbolism and the Castration Complex, ”Inter. J. O. Psycho–analysis“, 1924, V.5;
   A quantitative study of feeling and emotion in everyday life, ”British J. O. Psychol.“, 1925, 15, p. 318–355;
   Practice, Fatigue and Oscillation. A Study of Work at High Pressure, ”British J. Psychol. Mon. Sup.“, 1928, N13;
   Sex Differences in Dress, ”Proceedings of the Int. Congr. of the World League for Sexsual Reform“, L., 1930;
   The Psychology of Clothes, 1930;
   The pychology of birth control, in: ”Men and Their Motives“ (Ed. Flugel J.), N.Y., 1947,
   Studies in Feeling and Desire, L., 1955.


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